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Services are offered to help you find contentment & happiness. 


Mindfulness is “non-judgmental movement-to-moment awareness.”


Mindfulness is often described as an attention focusing practice. The neuroscientific evidence unequivocally supports the beneficial impact that these practices have on the brain. Mindfulness is associated with increased self- and social awareness and the ability to self-regulate emotions and behaviors. Mindfulness improves our quality of life as it allows us to be present, fully aware, without getting caught in worries about the future and rumination about the past. All people can experience and benefit from the freedom of reactivity associated with mindfulness. Mindfulness improves the quality of our life and cultivates compassion, generosity, and kindness

Customized Mindfulness Programs

The mindfulness programs are designed to support participants in developing their own practice and in creating a mindful life for themselves. All programs integrate didactic and experiential components. 

Introduction to Mindfulness: What, Why and How

These programs provide an introduction and overview to mindfulness and can last one to two hours.

Cultivating Mindfulness: Developing Your Practice

These programs provide an overview of mindfulness with a strong emphasis on the neuro-scientific foundation for mindfulness. They are highly experiential and expose participants to a large variety of mindfulness practices. These programs range from half day programs to four day retreats.


Sample Workshop Topics

Workshops vary from 1-hour to several days depending on your needs. 


  1. The Seven Attitudes of Mindfulness

  2. The Four Foundations of Mindfulness

  3. Navigating Trying Times: The Role of Mindfulness

  4. Mindfulness: What, Why, How

  5. Attachment and Self-Compassion

  6. Self Awareness, Attachment and Identity

  7. Mindful Thinking

  8. The Mind-Body Connection: Working with the Autonomic Nervous System

  9. Generosity and Gratitude

  10. Mindful Holidays 


Mindful Leadership Programs

Mindful leaders are self-aware and have a high level of emotional intelligence. They are able to create trust based relationships which allows them to easily manage their teams and achieve extraordinary outcomes. The Mindful Leadership program is evidence based and integrates mindfulness and transformational leadership. In addition to learning about mindfulness and its neuro-scientific foundation, participants will be engaged in mindfulness exercises and will develop their own practice. Participants will complete a leadership assessment tool and will be exposed to the current research on mindfulness and leadership. Ultimately, participants will be able to enhance their leadership practices through mindfulness.

Current and Former Clients: 


- Nevada Air National Guard


- Microsoft

- HomeTown Health

- Healing Health Care Systems

- National Judicial College

- University of Nevada, Reno

Upon request, we can integrate a training assessment component. Pre- and post-training data on mindfulness and other relevant factors will be collected and analyzed. The results will be submitted in a concise written report. 


Programming for Judges

Although Yvonne offers most of the programs for judges through the National Judicial College (NJC), she regularly presents customized programs to specific courts and speaks at judicial conferences nationally and internationally. Her expertise is focused on judicial leadership, management skills for presiding and chief judges, and mindfulness in the judiciary. Yvonne can design programs on these topics ranging from one hour in length to programs that may last several days.

Judicial Leadership

The leadership programs are based on a transformational leadership perspective and emphasize the development of effective leadership practices. Judges will discover that effective leadership depends less on the power associated with a position but rather on the ability of the person in the position to create a trust based environment. Participants will learn leadership practices such as “modeling the way” and “enabling others to act.” By expanding their leadership skills, judges can contribute to the advancement of judicial effectiveness and efficiency. 

Management Skills for Presiding and Chief Judges

The position of presiding or chief judge not only requires strong leadership skills but also demands effective handling of day-to-day management issues. The judges who take on these positions often find that they are not particularly well prepared to do so. The management skills for presiding and chief judges programs cover “hands-on” material that will assist judges in developing the necessary management skills. Specifically, topics such as motivation, performance management, and communication are discussed. 

Mindfulness for Judges

Mindfulness is an attention-focusing practice, allowing for moment-to-moment non-judgmental awareness. In the judiciary, the benefits of mindfulness have been demonstrated for reducing implicit bias and for improving stress management and decision-making skills. Yvonne’s mindfulness programs for judges address the basics of mindfulness – what is mindfulness, how does mindfulness work, and what are its benefits – as well as the neuroscientific foundation for mindfulness. These programs have a strong experiential component and include guided meditations and other mindfulness practices.


1:1 Private Mindfulness Sessions

Although a supportive community has been found to be extremely valuable to the development of mindfulness, under certain circumstances private mindfulness sessions with Yvonne might be preferable. In such sessions, Yvonne can offer support as needed, specifically in regard to stress management, difficult life events, life transitions, and grief. To determine the best format and number of sessions for you, please contact Yvonne.

Let's Work Together

I look forward to working together to create a custom program that meets your needs. Please email me directly at

and we can discuss next steps. 

©2021 - 2025 by Yvonne Stedham. Proudly created by Frances Weiner.

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